New development in the neighborhood

Here’s some info from the recent meeting of The Chinatown Coalition about a new development going forward nearby:

“On February 1, 2011 National Development (the “Proponent”) filed their Project Notification Form and is proposing to redevelop the underutilized and soon to be vacant site located at 300 Harrison Avenue in the South End (the “Project”). The Project includes the construction of three new buildings and adaptive reuse of the existing Boston Herald industrial building creating a mix of uses that include new residential and retail activity, and provide public realm improvements. The approximately 548,900 square foot Project in four buildings will create approximately 471 new residential units and a total of approximately 85,000 square feet of retail space, including a grocery store and multiple smaller scale ground floor retail and/or restaurant spaces, The Project is served by a parking supply of approximately 411 spaces, the majority of which will be in the form of structured parking. Public comment period ends on March 9.” (Read the full PDF.)

And also from the TCC, unrelated, a tidbit from the Safety Committee about an issue in the new Mary Soo Hoo Park: skateboarding has been taking a toll on the play structure. (“Skateboarders have been using the Mary Soo Hoo Park which is not designed for skateboarding. Community members urged to call police if there skateboarding.”)



